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Hands Across Middlesex screens clients for eligibility for services based on:


1.   Verification of identity. One of the following is required.

  • An original government issued I.D. with photo.

  • A driver's license (any photo driver's license or Virginia identification card is permitted)

  • Appropriate agency identification if an agent or representative of social services or foster care agency


2.    Residency Verification  

For initial enrollment, the client must also provide one document from the list below to support the residency verification form (P.O. Box addresses are NOT accepted)

  • Current Electric Bill
    or verification of electrical service connection

  • Current Home Gas Bill
    or verification of gas service connection.

  • Current Cable/Internet Bill

  • Current Water Bill
    or verification of water service connection

  • Current Waste Management Bill 

  • Current Social Services Documents


If you are a renter and do not pay utilities because it is included in the rent, we will need a letter from the lessor and/or a copy of the rental agreement stating that utilities are included. In the event a utility service connection is used as proof of residency, then a utility bill (both parts, in English) must be provided within 45 days to assure continued enrollment.


For assistance in printing online utility bills, please ask one of our volunteers. You must know your ID and password, or be willing to set up online access. You are responsible for maintaining your user profile as this is not a service through Hands Across Middlesex.


3.    Household income less than 200% of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Federal Poverty Guidelines.  


The process requires that all income for all individuals living in the household be verified and counted towards eligibility. 


Verification of Income is by:

  • Bank statement (current)

  • Most recent pay stub

  • W-2

  • Notice of Action letter (current year)

  • Letter from employer (recent)

  • Benefits Statement (current year)


Income includes, but is not limited to:


·         Employment income from wages or self-employment

·         Social Security Benefits (SSB)\ 

·         Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

·         Disability Income (SSDI)

·         Unemployment

·         Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program/food stamps (SNAP)

·         Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

·         Worker’s Compensation

·         Child Support payment

·         Alimony

·         Interest/dividend income, etc.


A household is defined as all children (up to 17), adults (18-59), and seniors (60 and over), residing under one roof at the same 911 address, whether related or not. 

Total monthly household income cannot exceed:

Household of 1:  $1,945

Household of 2:  $2,622

Household of 3:  $3,298

Household of 4:  $3,975

Household of 5:  $4,562

For each additional person:  $677


What We Expect of You


As a client of Hands Across Middlesex, you are responsible for the following:


1. Completely update your file every 12 months, including new documentation for items with * 

• Your name (possibly due to marriage or divorce)

• Your driver’s license (or Virginia ID) if it has been renewed *

• Physical address in Middlesex County

• Mailing address

• Phone number(s)

• Your employment status 

• Your income *

• Members of your household (someone moves out or in, a baby is born, etc.)

• Income of any household member *


2. Update your file when there is any change to the above, including providing new documentation for items with *


3. Request financial help 7-10 days before it’s due.  If electric bill, do not wait until you get a disconnect notice.  Provide your most current bill (cannot be a copy) showing your total account balance.  If heating oil or gas, do not wait until the tank is empty. 


4. Provide your own manpower when picking up furniture and other heavy items.


      Food Pantry


5. Do your best to be at the Center on the appointed date and time shown on your voucher.


6. Bring your coded key tag each time you pick up food.


7. Return the cloth bag each time you come to the Food Pantry.

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